Dr. Mitchel K. Holliday, EdD, RDN, CDCES, FAND
Dr. Holliday provides professional services in nutritional health and medical care legal proceedings. Dr. Holliday specializes in understanding and effectively communicating complex and technical nutritional standards of care and is experienced in report writing, deposition, and trial testimony.
-18 years of experience as a registered dietitian/nutritionist
-2021-Present: Selected by the Surgeon General as the Chief Dietitian for the United States Public Health Service
-2013-Present: Chief of Nutrition and Dietetics: Department of Justice: Federal Bureau of Prison: Overseeing the public health and clinical nutrition care of inmates in the United States largest correctional system
-2022-Present: Acting Chief Clinical Dietitian: Federal Bureau of Prisons
-Experience working with federal and state senior executive staff and attorneys on nutrition-related public health and medical nutrition issues, administrative remedies, and lawsuits.
-Consultant for the National Restaurant Association
-Extensive history of professional publications and presentations and history as adjunct instructor as two universities
-Extensive professional awards history
(Curriculum vitae available upon request)